Accessories - Mikroma 16mm enlargers

introduction | Boxes | Cases | close-up lens | Copy Stand | Developing Tank | Endoscope | Enlargers | Exposure meter | Film | Film/slide Cutters | Filters and attachments | Projectors | Slide frames | Slide Viewers | Stereo Cutters | Stereo macro/close-up lens 

Mignoret 11x14

Enlarging apparatus for enlargement from negatives 11x14 in 16 mm film.

Lens: Mirar 5.6/20.
Condenser: two-lens of 27 mm diameter.
Enlargement: adjusted 6x.
Years of production: 1961-62.

More details at Meopta history

  Ebay 2004/11/08 31.50EUR, 2006/07/29 39.99USD

Last Updated on 30th July 2006