Accessories - Mikroma 16mm Stereo Macro/close up lenses

introduction | Boxes | Cases | close-up lens | Copy Stand | Developing Tank | Endoscope | Enlargers | Exposure meter | Film | Film/slide Cutters | Filters and attachments | Projectors | Slide frames | Slide Viewers | Stereo Cutters | Stereo macro/close-up lens 

Two close-up/macro accessories for the Stereo-Mikroma camera. These are similar to having close-up/macro lenses on the View-Master camera system.

The first assembly is 1-0.6m (sample wanted) and the other is 3-1m. These accessories are held in place by positioning them over the lenses and then flipping the viewfinder portion upwards into position (photos below show both positions).

Model 1-0.6m 3-1m
Serial # sample wanted  
Date of Manufacture    
Current Value    
Auction Price Ebay 136USD 2002/08/16, 50USD 1-0.6m only 2002/12/06, 56USD 2005/05/12 (0.6m with case), 2006/02/20 56.55EUR (case), 2006/05/07 36.50EUR (0.6m with case), 2006/01/14 49.99USD (case), 2008/08/22 29.50GBP Ebay 2007/05/02 20USD (case), 2008/08/22 29.50GBP


Last Updated on 29th September 2008