Arrow Camera

This is not the same as the Arrow and has "ARROW CAMERA" on the front plate.

These have a pretty black paper "leatherette" covering with a scale like pattern but the camera construction is very poor. The glass in the front of the viewfinder slips, or is missing,  the back does not fit tight and the hinge has sharp edges. The lens mount is seldom parallel to the film path.

So not a usable camera and not a safe toy with the sharp edges, but looks good in a display case.

As least two box patterns are seen, the most common is in the MINI CAMERA box with the Arrow camera shown. The other is labelled ARROW CAMERA.

The Arrow Camera and the Mini Camera are labelled Made in Hong Kong.

But not to be defeat by over whelming odds Marcy Merrill forced the Arrow Camera to make a photograph -

Model Arrow Camera
Finish/colour chrome/black leatherette scale/shell patterned
Lens Fixed
Shutter Fixed
Aperture Fixed
Film Door lock sliding bar
Box Picture box with hinge lid
Instructions none
Dimensions 58x36x33mm (width x height x depth)
Weight 36g
Purchased 2002/12/16
Date of Manufacture  
Cost 11.29USD
Current Value 12USD
Auction Price Ebay 2002/08/18 12.50USD, 2002/09/03 18.50USD, 2002/09/25 10.49USD. 2003/07/20 19.50USD, 2004/01/29 16USD, 2005/06/18 6USD, 2005/07/16 10.90USD (box), 2006/01/30 5USD, 2006/03/21 46USD (box), 2006/05/04 9.99USD (box), 2006/06/23 31.95USD (box)
Comment no glass in front viewfinder

In bubble or blister pack Ebay 2006/05/01 10.50USD

Last Updated on 23rd June 2006