introduction | jilona 1 | jilona 1 b | jilona 2 | jilona 2a | jilona 3 | midget
Misuzu Trading Company produced several models of the Midget from 1937, making it one of the earliest manufacturers of the cameras using the 17.5mm roll film. The quality of construction, although better than the typical range of HIT type cameras is not high and the optics no better than the more common HIT and CMC cameras.
The Midget Jilona appeared in 1937 making it the first, and in many ways the original, "Hit" camera. This film format is often referred to as Midget film and the Midget format. Since HIT cameras are still being made, this is one of the longest running subminiature formats.
The Midget Jilona model 1 has a fixed focus 22mm (f6.8) two-element lens and shutter speeds of B and I (1/25). The viewfinder however is a small pop-up like the Eljy Lumiere.
An updated version came out two years later and is more the style of the "HIT" camera with a fixed finder on the top plate and a 20mm (f4.5) fixed-focus lens.
This is the post-war, c1949, version having a fixed-focus 20mm (f4.5) lens and shutter speeds of I (1/50) and B. Early ones have back latch with button like model I and Ia. Later ones have sliding bar latch.
c. 1950 new design with release on the top plate. 'Jilona Midget' on the the top of finder. Same as Model III but not marked as such.
The improvements bring this model into the top range of "HIT" style cameras. Fixed-focus 20mm (f4.5-11.0) lens. Speeds of 1/25 - 1/100 and B. Shutter release moved from lens to top of camera body.
A basic fixed lens camera, typical single shutter speed HIT style more like the Arrow Camera than the Jilona models.
Last Updated on 25th December 2004