Photavit IV

The Photavit IV was advertised in 1948 as the world's smallest camera for 35mm film.

Schneider Radionar 3,5/37,5 in Prontor-S
Schneider Radionar 3,5/37,5 in Compur-Rapid
Schneider Xenar 2,8/37,5 in Synchro-Compur
Schneider Xenar 2,8/37,5 in Compur-Rapid
Schneider Xenar 2,8/37,5 in Prontor-S
Schneider Xenar 3,5/37,5 in Prontor-S


Friedrich Corygon 2,9/40 in Prontor II

Ebay 2003/06/03 40EUR, 2006/08/05 46USD (film loader)


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