Minox 8x11 - Light meters - MinoSix

introduction | MinoSix Colour coded | Minosix | DIN/ASA 10,20,40,80 | DIN/ASA s/n 10,20,40,80 | DIN/ASA 12,25,50,100 | ASA 12,25,50,100 | ASA 25, 50, 100, 200 | Black | Gold | Cases | Dual Range | dis-assembled

Model MinoSix ASA 10,20,40,80 DIN 11,14,17,20
Purchased 2001/05/25
Date of Manufacture  
Cost 103.50USD (case)
Current Value  
Auction Price Ebay
* 01/05/25 103.50USD
* 01/10/17 45GBP
02/02/11 104.50USD
02/03/28 74USD
02/11/18 89USD
02/11/19 89USD
02/12/15 61USD red case
03/03/14 95USD
03/06/20 61USD green case
03/07/20 82EUR tan case
03/08/24 79EUR
03/12/23 51USD
04/10/27 66USD button case
05/01/01 35GBP
07/01/05 23.05USD (red case)
07/02/05 87.51USD
07/06/04 66USD (chain)
07/06/09 56USD (red case)
07/09/13 39.56USD (case)
07/11/18 12.50USD
08/01/18 77.65EUR (black case)

The MinoSix was also sold in cases to match the colours of the Minox A cases; brown, black, red and green.

Last Updated on 19th January 2008