Haverhill Episcope

Haverhills in USA has a Emoskop clone made in China, and sold under Haverhills' own trade mark as Haverhills Episcope TM

The workmanship of Episcope is excellent: anodized metal tubes are well made, with nice decorative milled ring on eyepiece and inlaid chrome ring on the 10x loup. Actually the Episcope looks very close to the original metal Seibert Emoskop, with milled band and chrome ring accent.

Haverhill's imported an EMO from Germany before they started with the Asian clones. It has the chrome milling and bands of the original EMO, and in the middle the words A. "SEIBERT Wetzlar/Germany haverhill's"

Optically the Havershill Episcope performs quite well, the images of loups, telescope and microscope are crisp and bright, without colour fringing but the Emoscop from www.emoscop.com is better made.

In Havershill website, it says that Episcope/telescope can focus close to 6", that is incorrect. Episcope/telescope's closest range is about 12".



Ebay 2004/06/17 112.50USD, *2004/07/12 14.95USD (case), 2004/10/04 45USD (with stand & box), 2004/12/26 59USD, 2005/06/05 37.56USD (case), 2005/06/22 46.27USD (case), 2005/07/12 57.21USD (box), 2005/08/11 46USD, 2005/08/14 50USD, 2006/01/24 70.29USD

Also marked EPISCOPE Vestpocket Optical System Ebay 2005/06/06 36.66USD

Last Updated on 24th January 2006