© Minox-Spezial-Labor Paarz, specialized processing of Minox film and films for sale creased trading 31st December 2005. Minox-Spezial-Labor Paarz Kleestieg 5 37077 Göttingen / Germany Tel.: +49 551 21077 Fax: +49 551 23380 eMail: minox@paarz.netLabs811Including details on the ARMBAND-CAMERA AC 60.
<Top> United States of AmericaThe Covert Camera - ( Subminiature film developing and cartridge reloading. Process Minox, Minolta, and other subminiature format films, returning the film cartridges with your finished prints. Old-School Photo Lab for 110, APS, 35mm, 120, 127/828 film processing. c/o Photosmith Phone # is: + 01 603.742.6659 Email:
David Maliniak
P.O. Box 268
Gilbertsville, Pa. 19525-0268
BLUE MOON We pride ourselves on offering the highest quality photographic processing and finishing. We apply the most stringent quality controls to all of our processes to ensure the best possible result. We work with the artist personally to help him or her achieve their ultimate vision. Most importantly, our entire staff is comprised of active film photographers; we treat your processing and printing requests in exactly the same manner we treat our own. Blue Moon Camera and Machine, LLC 8417 N. Lombard St. Portland, OR 97203 USA Phone (01) 503.978.0333 Fax: 503-978-0370 MINOX PROCESSING LABORATORIES P.O. BOX 1041, New Hyde Park, New York 11040-0599 USA. Tel: 516-437-5750 Fax: 516-775-89-24. Often called MPL in the discussion group processing details cam be found on the Minox web site Minox empty cassettes @ 10 for $12.50 plus $2.50 S&H From follow Collate/Colors to view some interesting cameras, a 'hermaphrodite' Minox B, partly in black and partly in chrome. It's the "Meisterstueck" (masterpiece) he made to prove his skills when he was an apprentice at the Minox factory in Heuchelheim. Many such cameras were made in two colors to distinguish them from assembly-line products. They were assembled by a single person, a single pair of hands. Thanks to Peter Zimmerman GOATHILL
carry a wide variety of
designed to fit hundreds of subminiature cameras including colour, black &
white, negative & slide; even microfilm & infrared emulsions. They can supply
slide mounts from full-frame 35mm to Minolta/Rollei 16mm. Glassless & glass
mounts as well. A wide variety of
owner's manuals, articles & books available. If you lack the time or
facilities needed to
your own submin cassettes, they'll do it for you! E-mail: Joe McGloin, 3271 S. Clay St.,Sheridan, CO 80110
<Top> United Kingdom
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