
Discussion groups exist for just about every topic you can imaging. There are Usenet groups on photography, but none restricted to subminiature photography. Most discussion groups allow several options to get messages, from web only, daily digests or individual e-mails. You can sign up and elect when you read through the archives. The majority never post a message leaving it to the more vocal to argue out issues and reply to the odd enquiry. They are often an excellent source of help and a meeting place to share experiences.

Yahoo Subminiature Board - The Yahoo Message Board for users of subminiature photographic equipment. When looking for new groups search under subminiature, Minox, Minolta, Rollei, Tessina, Yashica and so on. If you have time simply look through 'photography' at over 880 groups. 

apsphotography (30) Share info on their experiences with the Advanced Photo System photography format. Please feel free to share your experiences with different APS cameras, APS film manufacturers, APS film developing, scanning, etc. 4 messages 2006.

CameraManualExchange (972) Tired of paying more for a vintage camera manual than the camera itself? Why not exchange scanned manuals with other collectors ? Details at http://mikec62.tripod.com/manuals.html

camerawatch (241) WristView's discussion group and mailing list for topics related to Casio's WQV camera wrist watch. This group is for the camera watch community and perspective owners of Casio's amazing line of digital wrist watch cameras ( including the WQV1, WQV2, and WQV3 ) to share ideas, questions, stories, links and photos. Your post is more likely to get read and responded to here then in other forums on the web. All recent posts are junk mail.

camsometeen (33) This group is for all Minox/Leica digital camera (DC1311, DC2111 etc...) users and owners.   It was created due to the little known brand and knowledge that currently exist on the internet for this legendary icon of photography.   It sole purpose is to make owner aware of the full capability of their digital cameras and the problems that they may be encountering. All recent posts are junk mail.

Edixa16 (30) A group dedicated to Edixa 16 cameras designed by Heinz Waaske for Wirgin Wiesbaden Topic include: Model and variation of Edixa 16 cameras. Life and work of Heinz Waaske. Photography technique with Edixa 16 camera. Note only 13 messages in 2006.

EMO-users (135) Discussion about EMO-Optik Wetzlar products including EMOSKOP, Octoskop,Emoscop, Octoscop, Micromax etc. 3 messages 2006, 3 messages 2007

MinoltaVectisS1 (192) Primary for owners of the Minolta Vectis S-1 & S-100 camera, it is the discussion of all aspects of photography with your Minolta camera. If there are any topics you would like to raise, questions you would like to ask or tips you would like to share, then please feel free to do so.

Minox-FAQ (979) This group is a meeting place for experienced Minox camera collectors and photographers to exchange information and techniques Topics includes history,  8x11 cameras and accessories, 35mm cameras,  APS cameras,  B&W photography,  colour photography, darkroom technique, macro photography, telephotography. The group is moderated by Martin Tai from Canada.

minox35QndA (27) ? Nothing happening. All recent posts are junk mail.

Minox 8x11 Photography (182) Dedicated to the art and enjoyment of subminiature photography with Minox cameras utilizing the 8 x 11 mm negative format. Ask and answer questions and post your photos here. Ideas, tips and questions from newbies welcome! All recent posts are junk mail.

MinoxDigital (2) Discussion, Experiences, Photos, Criticism of the new Minox Digital Cameras

MinoxHistoricalSociety (252) THE OFFICIAL BULLETIN BOARD OF THE MINOX HISTORICAL SOCIETY. This board is for official organization business and discussions pertaining directly to the MHS. Supplementing the official website at http://minox.org, this will be the meeting place for chats and other events of the MHS. Please note that you must have a valid e-mail address to sign up. For discussions about Minox cameras specifically, please use Martin Tai's wonderful Minox FAQ at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Minox-FAQ Note little activity since Dec 2006.

MPHC (97) A place for Minox photographers to post pictures for discussion and critique Also include discussion on photographic composition Lines curve/straight Energy and momentum light and shadow contrast balance dense/sparse space still/movement near/far. All recent posts are junk mail.

pentax110respoolers (288) A place where Pentax 110, Minolta 110 and 16mm users can exchange information and ideas on using, reloading cassettes, and developing film taken with these wonderful cameras.

After 5 years at AOL the Subminiature Photography Mailing List moved to join the other subminiature groups at Yahoo (SUBMINI-L (443). Established in November of 1996 (@listserv.aol.com), (membership rose to 100 in April 1997, and peaked at about 450), the Subminiature Photography Mailing List has a membership of subminiature enthusiasts from around the world. Discuss on all things related to subminiature cameras, and subminiature technique. If you are a user of any subminiature camera, whether it be Minox, Yashica, Minolta-16, Tessina, Gami, or any other - you can't do better than!

Click to subscribe to Submini-L 

The archives of Submini-L are online. Access the search via the page at: http://www.submini.org/.

Submini-D (88) "The Digital Subminiature Photography Mailing List, dedicated to the art and practice of Classic Subminiature Photography but with a modern slant.

Do you use a Subminiature camera with a Digital Darkroom? This is the place to discuss the topic. Scanning technique, equipment and software are all "on topic". Do you think a digital Subminiature is in our future?"

Dateline 2004:  Submini-D was set up following frequent complaints from the few vocal members of Submini-L that digital subminiature cameras and even scanning of subminiature negatives lead to too much off topic content. Submini-L is left for the film only brigade and Submini-D covers what the Submini-L has done from 1996 and discusses all aspects of small cameras and how to get the best photographs out of them.

Subminiature Photography (21) A meeting place and message board for users and collectors of subminiature cameras (All formats smaller than 35mm). A one-stop location for information on the latest cameras, films, cassettes, darkroom techniques, Minox reels, film splitters, and repair houses, and ring cameras down to 6.5mm and much more. 

subminiaturephotography2 (382)  Monitored by Al Doyle who published the Subminiature Times - which includes discussions of the latest topics.

SubminiSales (960) A list designed for the sale and trading of Subminiature Camera Equipment. This list is an extension to the list SUBMINI-L: The Subminiature Photography Mailing List and is moderated, low traffic list designed for the sale and trading of Subminiature Camera Equipment. This list is an extension to the list SUBMINI-L The Subminiature Photography Mailing List.

SubminiatureVariations (66) This group is primarily for notices concerning www.submin.com, updates and improvements, but covers general discussion on subminiature cameras as well as requests for information, handbooks and tips.

TheSubminiatureTimes (19) A meeting place and message board for users and collectors of subminiature cameras (All formats smaller than 35mm). A one-stop location for information on the latest cameras, films, cassettes, darkroom techniques, Minox reels, film splitters, and repair houses, and ring cameras down to 6.5mm. Discussions of the latest topics appearing in "The Subminiature Times" monthly newsletter, and the Yahoo Subminiature Photography Source http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/subminiaturephotography  Appears to be dead, no activity shown since 2001.

Tessina (170) For discussion of Tessina camera, accessories and technique. Founded August 2001.

tinycams (1320)   SpyCams, Jazz Cams, Aiptek PenCams, Clever Cams, Yahoo Cams, Dolphin Cams, and many other tiny digital cameras are sold for less than 80GBP (100USD). I'm calling these gadgets TinyCams. While the photo quality is generally pretty mediocre, they can still be a lot of fun. Slip one in your pocket so you always have a camera handy. You can grab photos of people without them knowing it or without attracting a lot of attention. Use them for e-mail photos, or decorate your website. And they seem to be getting better all the time. Charles Islas

VEF RIGA MINOX  (158) Anyone who ardently collects Minox cameras and accessories knows how difficult it is to find the rare VEF RIGA MINOX items. This forum is dedicated to the discussion of Riga Minox cameras and accessories and a place where collectors can finally contact each other. Members may buy, sell and trade VEF RIGA MINOX items, discuss VEF RIGA MINOX topics, ask questions, answer questions and advise of up and coming meetings, collector's fairs etc...It is also a place where you may post pictures of your collection and pictures that you've taken with your beloved Minox Riga as well as discussing techniques of Minox Riga photography and developing. Note only 4 messages in 2006, none in 2007.

IDCC (Internet Directory of Camera Collectors) mailing list (496). Feel free to post any questions regarding camera collecting or information that you want to share with others. No commercial postings to this list are allowed but there are swap days twice a month. IDCC postings are archived, allowing you to look over previous postings. The current archive is only available to the list members. YDCC (59)

http://www.photo.net/ has a forum section at http://www.photo.net/community/forums including a section on Minox moderated by Martin Tai.


How many e-mail group members does it take to change a flashbulb?

(from a posting with lightblub on IDCC)

1 to change the flash bulb and to post that the flash bulb has been changed

14 to share similar experiences of changing flash bulbs and how the flash bulb could have been changed differently

7 to caution about the dangers of changing flash bulbs

27 to point out spelling/grammar errors in posts about changing flash bulbs

53 to flame the spell checkers

41 to correct spelling/grammar flames

6 to argue over whether it's "flashbulb" or "flash bulb" ...

another 6 to condemn those 6 as anal-retentive

2 industry professionals to inform the group that the proper term is "lamp"

15 know-it-alls who claim *they* were in the industry, and that "flash bulb" is perfectly correct

156 to email the participant's ISPs complaining that they are in violation of their "acceptable use policy"

109 to post that this group is not about flash bulbs and to please take this discussion to a flashbulb group

203 to demand that cross posting to hardware forum, off-topic forum, and flashbulb group about changing flash bulbs be stopped

111 to defend the posting to this group saying that we all use flash bulbs and therefore the posts *are* relevant to this group

306 to debate which method of changing flash bulbs is superior, where to buy the best flash bulbs, what brand of flash bulbs work best for this technique, and what brands are faulty

27 to post URL's where one can see examples of different flash bulbs

14 to post that the URL's were posted incorrectly and then post the corrected URL's

3 to post about links they found from the URL's that are relevant to this group which makes flash bulbs relevant to this group

33 to link all posts to date, quote them in their entirety including all headers and signatures, and add "Me too"

12 to post to the group that they will no longer post because they cannot handle the flash bulb controversy

19 to quote the "Me too's" to say "Me three"

4 to suggest that posters request the flash bulb FAQ

44 to ask what is a "FAQ"

4 to say "didn't we go through this already a short time ago?"

143 to say "do a Google search on flash bulbs before posting questions about flash bulbs"

1 forum lurker to respond to the original post 6 months from now and start it all over again....

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Ghandi


Last updated 31st January 2010