F-21 Neozit / Neotsit / Neocyt

The modern, 1970 spy camera, updated version of the F-21, now with a plastic body, relatively quiet electric motor film advance, electric remote release. The batteries are stored in the remote release. Inside the film chamber the sliding control is marked 65,130,250,500 for film sensitivity in GOST.

The electronic shutter speeds are 1/60 to 1/500 s. The Neylon (F21 with electronic shutter) is similar.

Neozit has a 24x24 mm frame and uses 27 mm wide film cut from un-perforated 35mm film.

Neozit Button Camera consists of a Neozit camera in a special cradle with a coat-button front. Remote cable release contains three rechargeable button cells. The camera end of the electric release cable has two small holes that allow a special battery tester to verify the charge condition of the batteries. Set with camera, button cradle and release cable $600-900.

Model Neozit / Neotsit / Neocyt
Serial #  
Date of Manufacture  
Current Value  
Auction Price

Ebay 2005/01/30 999USD (88327), 2005/07/03 995USD, 2005/09/25 420USD, 2005/10/18 99USD (buttons only)


Last Updated on 25th September 2005