HIT (Counter)

 introduction | Arrow black face script | Foreign | HIT II | Counter | New Hit | film
class 2 : black name plate, capital, capital top plate : black 5 bandblack 3 bands | gold black
class 2 : white name plate, script, capital top plate : gold | black
class 2 : white name plate, script, script top plate : black, bar | black, clip | dark blue, bar | light blue, bar | brown, bar | green, bar | grey, bar | red, bar
class 9 : black name plate, capital , capital top plate: black
class 9 : white name plate, script, script top plate : gold | black | black, with box |
green | grey | red

Name plate with   a film counter on the winder and either "Made in Occupied Japan" or "Made in Japan". This is a better built HIT than the more common versions. The case is stamped "Made in Occupied Japan".

"HIT" on a black nameplate and "HIT CAMERA" in capitals on the top of the camera.

Made in Occupied Japan | Made in Japan

Last Updated on 5th July 2005