B Sharan Part 1 to 11

Introduction | Accessories | B-Sharan | B-Sharan Versions | B Sharan 2004 | Co Sharan part 2 | Co Sharan part 3 | Co Sharan part 4 | Co Sharan part 5 | Sharan new style | Sharan B case | A Sharan | Sharan IYS-35 M1

More details at http://www.sha-ran.co.jp/

-B- Sharan in black, sky blue, green, gold (orange), grey, red, yellow, white, white with blue band around the lens and Barbie doll pink. for 13,965 yen (71.25GBP) each.

Released in 2004, part 9.

Released in 2004, part 10

Part 11




Last updated 17th June 2006