Minox 8x11 - viewers

introduction | Riga | 50s grey/gold | 50s grey/blue | 60s rivet | 60s | 60s sponge | 70s | 80s

Change in style of the box, and the magnifying lens has a spring grip longer collar extending below the lower lens.

01/09/09 22DEM
* 01/10/09 31USD
* 02/09/04 34.51USD
02/09/06 19USD
* 03/10/26 5.50EUR
03/11/17 15USD
03/12/07 9.50EUR
05/01/17 13.50GBP
06/09/29 27USD box, with tripod adapter
08/06/23 1EUR box

Last Updated on 10th July 2008